Para DI
Acoustic Guitar Preamp + DI
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Acoustic DI and Preamp with
5-band EQ
Thanks to its studio quality performance, powerful tone shaping EQ and rock-solid reliability, the Para DI has become an indispensable stage tool for countless musicians around the world. This roadworthy box effortlessly tames the stage and enhances any acoustic pickup for a fuller, more complex sound. The Para DI features a 5-band EQ with a tunable midrange and notch, variable gain control for passive or active pickups and a high-quality DI output for a pristine signal to the board.

Einstellbares Gain-Level für passive und aktive Tonabnehmer
5 Band EQ mit einstellbaren Notch Filer und verstellbaren Mittenband
Phasen Umkehrschalter für den besten Sound und weniger Rückkopplungen
XLR und 6,35 mm Klinke Ausgang
Arbeitet mit 9 Volt Batterie oder 48 Volt Phantomspeisung
- “We found the L.R. Baggs Para Acoustic D.I. to be an essential enhancement to any acoustic pickup configuration. A full complement of control features including a notch filter, sweepable EQ, and an effects loop, all ensured that a fantastic acoustic sound could be obtained.”<\/p>
“We found the L.R. Baggs Para Acoustic D.I. to be an essential enhancement to any acoustic pickup configuration. A full complement of control features including a notch filter, sweepable EQ, and an effects loop, all ensured that a fantastic acoustic sound could be obtained.”
Derek Davodowich - MusicPlayers.com
Read the full review at MusicPlayers.com »
Derek Davodowich - MusicPlayers.com<\/em> Reviews<\/p>",
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Read the full review at MusicPlayers.com<\/strong><\/a> <\/strong>»<\/p>",
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