Venue DI
Acoustic Guitar Preamp + DI
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Sign up to receive the latest LR Baggs news, artist features, and exclusive promotions delivered directly to your inbox!<\/p>"},"showSoldOutOnVariantsDropdown":false,"customSoldOutText":"Sold Out","expressCheckout":false,"allowMultiplePurchase":false}" data-visitor-translations="{"added":"Added!","adding":"Adding...","soldOut":"Sold out","unavailable":"Unavailable","salePriceText":"Sale Price:","originalPriceText":"Original Price:","addToCart":"Add to cart","subscribe":"Subscribe","purchase":"Purchase","productPrice__singlePrice__1Weekly__indefinite":"{price} every week","productPrice__singlePrice__1Weekly__limited__nWeeks":"{price} every week for {duration} weeks","productPrice__singlePrice__1Weekly__limited__1Years":"{price} every week for 1 year","productPrice__singlePrice__1Weekly__limited__nYears":"{price} every week for {duration} years","productPrice__singlePrice__1Monthly__indefinite":"{price} every month","productPrice__singlePrice__1Monthly__limited__nMonths":"{price} every month for {duration} months","productPrice__singlePrice__1Monthly__limited__1Years":"{price} every month for 1 year","productPrice__singlePrice__1Monthly__limited__nYears":"{price} every month for {duration} years","productPrice__singlePrice__nWeekly__indefinite":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} weeks","productPrice__singlePrice__nWeekly__limited__nWeeks":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} weeks for {duration} weeks","productPrice__singlePrice__nWeekly__limited__1Years":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} weeks for 1 year","productPrice__singlePrice__nWeekly__limited__nYears":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} weeks for {duration} years","productPrice__singlePrice__nMonthly__indefinite":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} months","productPrice__singlePrice__nMonthly__limited__nMonths":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} months for {duration} months","productPrice__singlePrice__nMonthly__limited__1Years":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} months for 1 year","productPrice__singlePrice__nMonthly__limited__nYears":"{price} every {billingPeriodValue} months for {duration} years"}">
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Sweetwater / Reverb / Musician’s Friend / Amazon
Mit der L.R.Baggs Venue DI genießt man viele interessante Vorteile. So kann man immer mit leichtem Gepäck reisen, ist schnell einsatzbereit und man kann sich beruhigt auf einen permanent guten Sound verlassen, egal wo man einstöpselt. Die Venue DI gibt Ihnen die vollständige Kontrolle durch die Kombination einer voll ausgestatteten DI-Box, einem 5-Band-EQ mit einstellbaren Bass und Hoch-Mittenbändern, variablen Clean Boost und chromatischen Tuner. Mit seinen komplett diskreten Signalpfaden, den hoch abgestuften Halbleitern und der ausschließlichen Verwendung von audiophilen Folien-Kondensatoren, ist die Venue DI auf Augenhöhe mit den Weltelite-Preamps und bringt den Klang in Studioqualität für die Bühne.

Einstellbares Gain-Level für passive und aktive Tonabnehmer
5 Band EQ mit einstellbaren tiefen und hohen Mitten Band
Garret Null Notch Filter für effektive Rückkopplungskontrolle
Phasen Umkehrschalter für den besten Sound und weniger Rückkopplungen
Chromatisches Stimmgerät mit Fußschalter und Mute Funktion
Einstellbarer Lautstärken-Boost (per Fußschalter bedienbar)
Komplett isolierter, trafosymetrischer DI Ausgang
4 Segment Clip LED Anzeige zur optimalen Gain Einstellung
4 Segment Batterie Status Anzeige
XLR und 6,35 mm Klinke Ausgang
Serieller FX Loop (getrennte Buchsen für Send und Return)
Arbeite mit 9 Volt Batterie oder DC Netzadapter (nicht im Lieferumfang)
- “Guitarists in bands will especially appreciate the adjustable volume-boost switch. Between the features and the clean sound, the Venue might as well be the only thing you need between your guitar and the sound system.”
“Guitarists in bands will especially appreciate the adjustable volume-boost switch. Between the features and the clean sound, the Venue might as well be the only thing you need between your guitar and the sound system.”
Read the full review » -
“The clean boost and feedback controls are simply fantastic; combined with the EQ, gain and volume controls, this could become essential gear for acoustic players everywhere. Those crafty elves at Baggs have done it again!”
Read the full review at
premierguitar.com » -
“A quality DI is an essential piece of gear for any acoustic guitarist, especially when you’re playing sound-system roulette from gig to gig. But the Venue is so much more than that. If you want to get your sound under your control in any venue, putting a Venue in your gig bag should be your first order of business.”
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Read the full review at
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