Align Series
Active DI
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Building upon decades of experience creating studio-quality gear for the stage, the Align Series Active DI is the embodiment of LR Baggs engineering at its highest level and uses the most pristine circuitry we have developed in a DI. Our all-discrete design preserves the authenticity of your sound while providing high headroom for a wide range of signals. Equally at home on a pedalboard or standalone, we are excited to offer a DI with such a high degree of fidelity and functionality.

XLR und 6,35 mm Klinke Ausgang
Pad verstärkt oder schneidet XLR-Out, um die Bedürfnisse der PA zu erfüllen
Ground Lift-Schalter beseitigt wirksam störendes Brummen
Thru/Out-Schalter für zusätzliche Ausgabeflexibilität
Phasen Umkehrschalter für den besten Sound und weniger Rückkopplungen
Mute Fußschalter
9Volt Batterie oder 9Volt DC Stromversorgung
- “…provides astonishing signal-to-noise ratio and gobs of headroom.”
“…provides astonishing signal-to-noise ratio and gobs of headroom.”
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User’s Guide
U.S. Patent D918,293