Align Series
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Sweetwater / Reverb / Musician’s Friend / Amazon
The Align Series Reverb was built from the ground up to complement the natural body dynamics and warmth of acoustic instruments that we love so much. The circuit seamlessly integrates the wet and dry signals with the effect in side chain so that it never overwhelms the original signal. We shaped the reverb with analog EQ to reflect the natural voice inherent in acoustic instruments. Additionally, the tone control adds versatility by sweeping from warm and muted to open and present. The result is an organic reverb that maintains the audiophile purity of the original signal with the controls set in any position.

Reverb Control mischt das Reverb-Signal mit dem nicht beeinflussten Signal
Decay adjusts the length of the reverb tail
Tone sweeps a wide range of warmth, clarity, and everywhere in between
9Volt Batterie oder 9Volt DC Stromversorgung (Batterie/Netzteil nicht im Lieferumfang)
Engage - Fußschalter schaltet Chorus-Effekt oder auf True Bypass
Volume = Lautstärkeregler
- “Luscious, unique tonal quality is ideal for acoustic guitar…”
“Editor’s Pick”
“Luscious, unique tonal quality is ideal for acoustic guitar…”
Read the full review » -
“It’s like sitting in a perfect sounding room with incredible decay and tone…”
Read the full review at americansongwriter.com » -
“Rarely do you find a pedal that’s so in-tune (pun intended) with the needs of a working acoustic guitarist…”
Read the full review at
premierguitar.com »
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Explore the Align Series
User’s Guide
U.S. Patent D918,293