Align Series
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Akustik-Vorverstärker mit 6-Band EQ und Anti-Feedback Notch Filter
Based on the circuit of the esteemed Para Acoustic DI, the Align Series Equalizer combines our signature, high-graded FET gain stage with powerful tone-shaping EQ that injects richness and balance to any acoustic pickup signal. A 6-band EQ shapes the frequencies we found most useful for improving acoustic guitar pickups with the flexibility needed to cover other acoustic instruments effectively. Multi-instrumentalists can incorporate dedicated EQ pedals for level matching a variety of instruments and tailoring a specific EQ for each one.

6-Band-EQ für akribisches Klangbild
Variabler Hochpassfilter dämpft störende tiefe Frequenzen
Phasenschaltung für beste Klang- und Feedback-Kontrolle
3-Punkt-Gain-Schalter zur einfachen Niveauregulierung
Garret Null’s bekannter Notch-Filter zähmt ungewolltes Resonanz-Feedback
- “…a well-thought -out tone sculptor, but its über tweakablility is a close-range deal.”
“…a well-thought -out tone sculptor, but its über tweakablility is a close-range deal.”
Read the full review » -
“This one is a home run.”
Read the full review at americansongwriter.com »
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Explore the Align Series
User’s Guide
U.S. Patent D918,293