Align Series
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Akustikpedal mit Sättigung und Kompression
Inspired by the LR Baggs Handcrafted Video Sessions and our experience in some of Nashville’s great studios, the Align Series Session brings our signature studio sound to your live rig. Session circuitry enhances your acoustic pickup and imparts the rich sonic character that you’d expect from an experienced audio engineer using some of the world’s finest studio gear. We’ve captured this studio magic and put it into a compact, easy-to-use acoustic pedal that will transform your live sound.

Analoge Sättigung liefert angenehme Wärme im Sound und sorgt für ein seidiges Obertonverhalten
Einzigartige Kompressor/EQ Schaltung glättet häufige Problem-Frequenzen
Einstellbares Gain-Level für passive und aktive Tonabnehmer
9Volt Batterie oder 9Volt DC Stromversorgung (Batterie/Netzteil nicht im Lieferumfang)
Engage - Fußschalter schaltet Chorus-Effekt oder auf True Bypass
Volume = Lautstärkeregler
- “If you simply want a bigger, better acoustic sound onstage or in the studio, audition the Session.”
“Editor’s Pick”
“If you simply want a bigger, better acoustic sound onstage or in the studio, audition the Session.”
Read the full review » -
“When it arrived, I tried it first with a relatively cheap guitar...that when plugged directly into a PA sounded horrible, engage the Session pedal and my mind was blown. The horrible tinny top end had all but vanished, the bass was enhanced and it sound so much fuller and sharper, the difference was staggering.”
Read the full review at stoakesmedia.co.uk »
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Explore the Align Series
User’s Guide
U.S. Patent D918,293